So today was good. After 3 sales in the last week, I am excited and motivated! Also a tip from a fellow Etsian led me to call a local church that is having a bazaar on Saturday. It is $35, and it is being advertised in the newspaper and amongst fellow parishes. AND it's indoors, so I don't have to worry about the pesky weather. I'm excited to get out there and promote and sell, and see what I am capable of.
Also I may have found a place to consign and that is really exciting as well. It is not local, but given the weight, etc of cards, it should be easy to manage and ship from a distance. So Bubba & Rye seems to be advancing!
Otherwise things have been good. The kids are under control, my husband is home from sea for a short while, and I am eating well and exercising. Things are just bright and shiny...even though the weather is not following suit!!